Today is consolidation domination, as there is site news for Days 2,365 and 2,366.

Let's begin.

First up, in While & After news, volume 123 of Flickasbord has posted to the In A Pinch page, while The Case For 3,000 Movies has moved to Fresh At The Time.

And finally, in Land Of Infusion news, the following updates have occurred:

  • Following its second re-assessment, The Lincoln Lawyer was placed in Tier 7 with a 30F designation
  • Following its re-assessment, The Iron Giant was placed in Tier 13
  • Following its physical copy test, El Hotel was granted a 30F designation
  • Due to its fate being tied to Young Adult, Tully was placed in Tier 13
  • Following its third re-assessment, Young Adult was placed in Tier 13
  • Following its somewhat impromptu assessment, Extraction II was placed in Tiers 7 and 12
  • Following their assessments, The Pill and Polite Society were placed in Tier 7 with 30F designations
  • Following its re-assessment, The Invitation was granted a 30F designation
  • Following its second re-assessment, Leaving Las Vegas was placed in Tiers 7 and 13

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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